Your access to medical care just got easier!
At Community Concierge Care (C3 Cares), we’re all about making it easy and convenient for you to get the healthcare you need. It’s why our convenient services are currently offered on-site at a public housing site in Washington, D.C. We’re also able to bring our nurse-led services to additional sites, as needed.
If you or your loved ones are not able to see our healthcare providers when they are at your location, C3 Cares offers you another option: to speak with one of our highly trained staff of licensed healthcare providers using telehealth.
What Is Telehealth?
Simply put, telehealth uses existing technology so you can have a virtual visit with your healthcare provider. Typically, this involves a real-time video exchange using a smartphone or other internet-connected device with a camera and microphone.
Telehealth allows remote visits, where provider and patient can see each other and discuss any health concerns or symptoms. During these visits, medications may be prescribed (as appropriate), additional tests ordered (if necessary), and in-person follow-up care can be scheduled. You may be surprised at just how many medical conditions can be addressed using telehealth.
How You Benefit
The benefits of using telehealth include:
- Greater access to our healthcare providers, especially:
- After regular business hours
- On days we’re not on-site at your location
- Comfort and privacy – there’s no need to leave home
- No waiting! Simply log in prior to your appointment time
- Protection against the spread of infectious disease
- Faster response to medical concerns
- Lowered risk of hospital readmissions
How Our Telehealth Appointments Work
When you schedule a telehealth appointment with us, we will email or text you a link that you will use for your virtual visit. Prior to your scheduled appointment time, you will click on the link to enter the virtual waiting room. When your provider also enters the space, your healthcare visit will begin. The link is designed for one-time use and will work for that appointment only. You will be emailed/texted a different link for future telehealth visits.
We can also facilitate telehealth visits with the use of our community health workers. In those instances, the community health worker will bring the technology to your home and virtually connect you directly with the nurse practitioner!
Tips for a Successful Virtual Visit
Here are some tips that can help ensure you have a productive telehealth appointment with your C3 Cares provider:
- Equipment test run.Ensure that whatever internet-connected device you plan to use for the telehealth visit has a working camera and microphone. Test the device ahead of time, and make sure it’s charged.
- Choose your location.Identify a quiet, private place in your home or wherever you are located for the call. Make sure the area you choose has sufficient lighting so you can be seen clearly during the call.
- Have a paper and pen nearby to take notes, if needed, during the call.
- Collect information.Have whatever information your provider will need with you during the call. This might include a log of your symptoms and when they occur, a list of your current medication, and any relevant medical history.
Virtual Healthcare Visits in Washington, D.C.
Would you like to schedule a virtual visit (real-time, video call) with one of our healthcare providers? To get started, contact Community Concierge Care (C3 Cares) by calling (202) 888-6440, emailing us at You may also request an appointment with us online directly.